We are more sensitive at the lowest price or the biggest discount?
- By OCX Team
- In Build Your Business
- Apr 20, 2016

A promotion campaign is good only if it is empathic with the real needs of customers.
Along the time, the marketing and advertising specialists have done all they could to understand the secrets of those who were behind the successful promotion campaigns. It is sufficient to open a marketing book, recently printed, and we find names that have contributed to the consolidation of some brands, existing also nowadays such as: Nike: Just Do It, Volkswagen: Think Small, Marlboro: Marlboro Man, Dove: Real Beauty or Apple with its slogan: Get a Mac. What is their secret? The ability to be emphatic with the real need of customers.
I look for a few days on some recent reports and remain amazed by the level at which it ended up one of the first methods of products promotion: the price discount. We are witnessing a period when including the talks about people who prefer promotions are outmoded. Now we are talking about people raising money all year and waiting for the day when they can purchase the desired products at the lowest prices. As far as I understand, some online stores have even some sort of blacklist with professional hunters of advertising campaigns and online contests.
If we were to go by the predictions of these reports, in short time we will get to buy only when we see a consistent difference between the cut price and the sale price.
The real marketing specialists replace the "lowest price" term with "the greatest discount"
In fact, we, the buyers, associate the lowest price with a product of a questionable quality or with a product with an exceeded lifetime. To avoid this association and to highlight the fact that we have the opportunity to buy a quality product found on promotion, it is recommended that the campaign action message to be based on "the greatest discount". From mathematical point of view, yes - we are talking all about the lowest price. From the emotional point of view is something else.
Dou you know that was the advantage of those I have mentioned earlier? They conceived ideas. They created visions. Follow their example! Instead of telling them that they can add to cart a product at the lowest price, tell them that you have reduced the price so that they remain with money to take off their family at the most expensive restaurant in town to celebrate the new acquisition.
And another detail - a promotional campaign covers a certain period. The shorter it is, the more attractive it is.
Use the Special Deal extension to display on your site the discount campaign
Do you want to stand out? Do you want to attract the attention of a large number of people to turn them into loyal customers? My advice is to discard the seasonal campaigns with the lowest price and to realize as many promotional campaigns based on discounts.
It is recommended to keep in archive the pages with previous campaigns. They will help you to convince by the good intentions also the most disbelieving friends.
How you can effectively integrate a promotion campaign in your online store? Simple. With the Special Deal Groupon Style OpenCart extension.