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How to target customers with no orders in email campaigns

How to target customers with no orders in email campaigns

E-commerce experts usually split customers in 3 big groups:

  • customers who buy something
  • customers who just browse
  • customers who already forgot about you

Today will cover last group of customers and i'll show you how to do customers segmentation to reach them using email campaign.

I don't like 5 pages bu*****t introductions, so let's get directly in to the topic.


You want to send an email campaign (with x% discount) for customers who didn't bought nothing yet from your store.

Solution (one of them):

Solution described below use Smart Email Marketing extension, but you can use any other extension you like.

Will start by creating new email campaign

Customers segmentation

Add / Edit Sender Details (your store details)

Add Subject. You can use special keywords like {subscriber.firstname}

Design template OR just import the one created special for this case: "Zeus - The Lost son"
Cool name right? :))

Watch video below to see all steps described above + email template import & customize.

Final step: save campaign and then hit send when you want to start sending emails.

If you want to discover more about Smart Email Marketing you can find more info here:

P.S. If you use other extension / tool for email campaigns and you like email template from video, write us and you can have it.

OCX Team

Since 2010 we exclusively focused on OpenCart platform. We know it from A to Z, being able to resolve any challenge might raise concerning the development of your ecommerce store.